All living beings are born with the innate Sikhsth potential to percieve and understand similarities in a similar way. What exists and is perceived, in its primary sense is a ‘thing’, until we give it a name, a title or a definition, with a language, to share its existance or presence, with others.Natures Grant(h) includes what the living become aware of, or conscious of by coming to realize, or understand the presence of some thing, on the True Path of Nature. What is conveyed or represented by a particular arrangement or sequence of things on the True Path of Nature, between natures Grant(h) and the living organisms, is considered or thought of in a specified way. A living organism either pays attention to it, or ignores it. For human beings, the ability to see, hear, taste, smell or become aware of a sensation, or an inexplicable awareness or impression of some thing through the senses, lies within the normal limits to human perception.
Naturalism is to be right, real and true for all the senses:
Learning, the acquisition of knowledge or skills, through study experience, begins subconsciosly, within natures Grant(h) to the living. Education is a body of knowledge acquired through the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university. With definitions of mass, energy and other chemical properties, accepted by the scientific community. Nature is best accounted for by reference to material principles. As such, we have subconsciously set the ground for naturalism, with a concern for our existence, by emphasising the reality of an individual person, as a free and responsible agent, determining the own development through acts of the will. This sense of naturalism holds that spirits, deities, and ghosts are not real and therefore, have no purpose in nature.
Things like ideologies, law, government, religion, monarchy, money, feminism and economy are made of language. They exist, because of the stories and speculations, that billions of people are forced to believe in. The current prevalence of misinformation suggests that artificial intelligence uses a coded language, to convince people to believe anything, even to take actions that are destructive for the sake of a religion. To have such a way of thinking, in their living, as to merely have some thing on the brain and to be obsessed with it, within a well-defined set of positive and negative doctrines and as such, to form an attitude or a spirit pervading and influencing many dogmas, is the root of deception, illusion and fraud.
To the health of the body politic:
For the people of a nation, state, or society considered collectively as an organized group of citizens, individual dissent was considered necessary to the health of the body politic. In accordance with the nature of, or circumstances surrounding, some one or some thing, a thing which is natural, exists in or derives from nature. It is a thing not made or caused by humankind. It is a thing that is particularly suited for some thing else, on the True Path of Nature, in natures Grant(h).
The seat of artificial intelligence is the human brain packed with chipsets within the cranium, while the body at large maintains the sustainability of all lifecycles and organ systems in compliance with the natural laws, with the innate capacity of life preserving measures and a life force that upholds its strength and vitality with natural intelligence based in the primordial brain, which the human beings share with animals and plants.
The changes in nature following the quality of the human beings, of being inventive, also has an impact on individual animal species and collectively, especially those native to a particular region, habitat, or geological period, shared with the human beings. Consequently, influencing the evolution of animal life and animal welfare, within the complex network or an interconnected system, of a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment.
A community of scholars is particularly suited for a republic of learning, of the phenomena of the physical world collectively, including plants, animals, the landscape, and other features and products of the earth, as opposed to humans or human creations.
Your home is Punjab:
To explain everything in terms of nature, essentially in looking upon nature as the one original and fundamental source of all that exists, Sikhsth finds adequate explanation within nature itself, since limits of nature are also the limits of the existing reality and the existance of what is found is necessary for its being, even for others. Events, in nature, find their adequate explanation, within nature itself, in the relationship between cause and effect. Therefore the divine artificer kan be rejected. An attempt to comprehend nature in its totality and to outline its general theoretical structure, subgroups of naturalism, related to water and riverlands is defined. In the Sikhsth procedure, in natures Grant(h), one remains on the True Path of Nature, as all resources of water are maintained in a manner compelling to the requirements of the natural conditions. Which is in contrast to the prerequisites of the religious mode, as to benefit from the resources of nature and consequently, put nature in a state of imbalance. In all existing circumstances, Sikhsth defines the primordial soup as the solution which is rich in organic compounds, in the primitive oceans and seas of the earth, from which life is thought to have originated. As water, supports life and stimulates plant growth, at the different natural elevations of the earth's surface, rising abruptly from the surrounding level, in relation to sea level, it is the flow of water that is significant, for establishing dialects and jargons. Sumunder, is the sea, or the ocean, where large quantities of fresh water, from every land mass of continents, drains away to the tidal mouth of the rivers and streams. In brackish waters, the original life forms of ocean and sea water, adapted themselves, to make a way upstreams, to the riverlands. In a weather, pleasantly sheltered from the strong winds, by land elevations and the vegetation and not disturbed by the large waves of the sea or ocean, living organisms made their first homes, in an area of sandy, stony or rocky land bordering and level with the sea, as amphibians. The communities of plants or animals of a kind, living close together, or by forming a physically connected structure, became the success of the living forms, in extending the frontiers to colonise land. An aquatic gill-breathing stage followed typically by a terrestrial lung-breathing stage, to step up on land. Worms and snakes, that never developed fins, remained limbless on land. The amphibians with fins began with crawling and as the fins diminished completely, or mutated into limbs for animals and later into legs and arms for the primates, they were walking and running while birds, went flying.
Give language a natural meaning:
With a language developed in line with natural intelligence, a river estuary, typically brackish, in its natural environment, having more salinity than freshwater, but not as much as seawater, is said to be ‘sumundree’ - like the sea or like the ocean. At the sea level, the choice of words and expressions are related to a particular field or natural activities of the region, in a kind of dialect, or to be more specific, a jargon. As such are the occupational and trade traits or professions of the indigenous groups of human beings, that have developed a living structure for the own survival along the water fronts, within a self-contained ecosystem or ecosystems, but is difficult for other humans to understand. A fundamental element for naturalism and natural intelligence is the framework of clearly defined levels of skill, complexity and accomplishment along different levels, ranging from basic knowledge up to their highest levels of the riverland. It is unique when a body of popular learning, relating to a particular place, activity, or group of people through generations is passed on by word of mouth. As such its intelligence is like a biopsychological potential to process information, that can be activated in a cultural setting, to solve problems, or create products that are of value in a human culture which is aligned to natural intelligence. In a way that is influenced by the part of the mind of which one is not fully aware, yet it has to do with logic, abstractions, reasoning, calculations, strategic and critical thinking, in a natural manner, and that specifically, makes it natural intelligence. Making one able to imitate all the processes of human cognition, especially perception, learning and pattern recognition, subconsciously, since information which is falsely related to reality and incomplete will lead to reasonable guesses, rather than precise logic. Worthy of mention, intelligent behavior is described as utility of the most simple and elegant principles. As natural intelligence is always aligned with consciousness, one should keep both feet on the ground, be practical and sensible and not look into unconfirmed 'sub-symbolic' approaches. It comes naturally, to think, understand, and form judgements logically, as to what is a good and obvious cause to do something, because to do what is right, practical, or possible, on the grounds that it is right, real and true is a natural common sense approach. There should be no meaning to go beyond natural reason. However, like a collection of integrated circuits which are designed to function together as a unit, especially to perform a particular task within a system, this intelligence includes the capacity to understand underlying principles of some kind of causal system. We should know that not all ‘things’ are labelled yet, and that is because the human mind only recognises what it designates or treats as being very or most important to determine in the order for dealing with a series of items or tasks, according to their relative importance, and in taking action in the process of deciding the relative importance or urgency of a thing or things.
Keep things simple:
In Punjab, keeping things simple is the superintelligence that comes naturally. The so called ‘supernaturals’ do not exist.
What have we learnt from water and its capacity for the earth and all living and non-living organisms? Water can be converted to make battery power. The earths climate is powered by means of a water battery. Which relates Punjab to a battery farm and makes Punjab a battery power. A battery is for energy storage, the capture of energy produced at one time for use at a later time to reduce imbalances between energy demand and energy production. A common example of energy storage is the hydroelectric dam, which stores energy in a reservoir as gravitational potential energy and ice storage tanks, which store ice frozen by cheaper energy at night to meet peak daytime demand for cooling.
Yet no-one talks about the largest water storage in the oceans and the seas, the glaciers and in the air for conversion into energy. It is natural. It is not an example of artificial energy storage. Because water exists on Earth as a solid, liquid, and a gas. In the atmosphere, it forms precipitation, in the form of rain and aerosols, in the form of fog. Clouds consist of suspended droplets of water and ice, its solid state. When finely divided, crystalline ice may precipitate in the form of snow. The gaseous state of water is steam or water vapour. At every stage it is stored and ready for use, for its next stage, or to be converted into another form. Artificially, energy can be stored in water pumped to a higher elevation using pumped storage methods, as by moving solid matter to higher locations, as gravity batteries. Worldwide, pumped storage hydroelectricity is the largest-capacity form of active grid energy storage available.
Because language should be functional:
Punjab is the land of five rivers, as the five river lands, which are the five continents. Water supports life and stimulates plant growth. So, it is the flow of water that is significant for establishing the dialects and jargons at the different altitudes. At the top and highest points on mountains, where by accumulation and compaction of snow, the slowly moving mass or river of ice is formed, it is the ‘barfee’, meaning ice or frozen. Below that, the river flows through the stretch of land, regarding to its physical features of a snow-free inland in a mountain and hill terrain, especially during the warmer seasons of the year. It is called , ‘paharee’. In the next phase of the river lies a large tract of thick forests with trees, animals and a diversity of undergrowth, typical of a hinterland, which is called, ‘junglee’, with all the watersheds and lakes, called ‘daryahee’. Coming closer to the coastland, is the ‘shaharee’, characteristic of built-up areas and villages, with the urban populations. Finally, approaching the river estuary, with brack waters in its natural environment, having more salinity than freshwater, but not as much as seawater, it is called ‘sumundree’. They are not levels, but a kind of dialect to explain the natural conditions. To be more specific, a jargon, because the choice of words and expressions are related to the particular field or activities of the region. Such as occupational and trade terms. To my knowledge, slang is something secretive in nature, but jargon is like one’s natural mother tongue, a vernacular which is not imposed as formal. It is more of a domestic and functional nature for those engaged in activity such as the lumberjacks in the forests, or the fishermen at sea. It is a special vocabulary which the outgroups interpret in another sense. We have all the Punjabi jargons in dialects, from a ‘barfee’ glacier at the top, through the fjords and the valleys, all the way to the brackish waters of a ‘sumundree’ estuary, where several of the main stems of plant life make the essential ‘undergrowth’, to secure living conditions for the animals on land, rather than a ‘bush’ vegetation. Where nowadays, the fishing boats drift offshore. A slang is not public, it is of secretive nature. Besides, we do not support a ‘bush justice’ to secure the rights of our Ladies. For the sake of common sense, our Ladies are not involved with a monarchy or ministers of priests and a church. No! No! No! We can cope, get along, perform and achieve without the monarchy, the church and the bushes. As they are considered uncultivated and maladapted for public. Especially as the regions that are electrified, will not be considered as remote, or uncultivated. Well then, it is our secret. What we have under the under-wears is an undergrowth, which has its rightful, purpose. It is not a bush.Being neutral, water is everywhere:
As such, water is a battery for energy storage of hydrogen. Capturing hydrogen atoms, produced at one time, for use at a later time, to reduce imbalances between hydrogen energy demand and hydrogen energy production.
The huge stretch of coastline, is dominated by scattered offshore barrier islands, situated at sea, or in the ocean, some distance from the shore, as a result of volcanic activity that spewed out rocks, gases of water vapour, carbon and other chemical compounds, as vital elements to enrichen the organic compounds of the primordial soup. The thick deposits of black volcanic ash, that make a cover on the islands, provides a fertile ground for agriculture. The inhabitants of the islands are basically a safety regime for the offshore exploitation, controlled by offshore incentives.
……………. to be continued.