Anything is possible

Friday, December 30, 2011

2012 - Advancing the Brain to a Research Institute

An independent think tank or unit that describes itself as a think and do-to-make tank.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

In the Cloud of Unknowing

On a "very brief portion of time, instant," an "account of some happening,"in "the Cloud of Unknowing" a story is raised in a particular branch of knowledge to blind with a miraculous doing and "confuse by the use of big words or complex explanations". Realising that they had stumbled upon something interesting to launch. The thought of a character in a sense of "an expected liberator or savior of a captive people", "sleek" (of a body, skin and hair) and with a sense of "clever in deception" to win the minds of the ethnic heathens. It is often easier to fight for principles than to live up to them. That and all which is good with qualities of goodness should have an advantage to their benefit. One must not indulge in unfavourable views of mankind, since by doing so one may make the bad believe that they are no worse than others and making the good no better than others. As in all ceremonies or substitutions of words in languages there is a use of a favourable word or a speech of fair words for a sense of a way that ultimately will prevail in the world in a tendancy to take a hopeful view of things for an optimism for the greatest good and the best of their actual world as the best of all possible worlds.
We have no religion, We are ethnic heathens.
The ancestors of geographic Asa and Eribi

Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Dynamics of Stability and The Balance of Change.

Jag uppskattar verkligen en Värld som vill ta Hand om sin Klimatkammare (Phytotron) och de Innevånarna (Organismerna) som vill födas, växa och leva i den. Jag respekterar även de Människor som vill värna om sitt Land och skapa en Livsstil utifrån förutsättningarna som där råder. Jag beundrar samtidigt varje Enskild Individ som kämpar för sin Rätt till en egen Kropp, sin Identitet och ett Hem.
Rättvisa och Jämlikhet handlar ytterst om Personliga Problem.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

En idé om Upsalas Framtida Moderna Konst Museum.

Det är tillåtet att fundera över var Upsalas Moderna Konst Museet skall ligga i framtiden och hur det skall kunna se ut utvändigt.

På taket av Upsalas Moderna Konst Museum finns en Konst Gräs Plan som för övrigt ligger på samma marknivå som Kung J´ans Väg.

Upsalas Moderna Konst Museum ligger till stora delar insprängt under markplan och får huvud ingången för besökare från gång- och cykelstigen mellan Kung J´ans Väg och åshöjdens sluttning mot Psykiatriska Kliniken på Akademiska Sjukhuset.

Huvud ingången för besökare från Aveny des Arts á Upsala.

No Matter what They Say
The Simple and The Classic
is Always Modern.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Sikhsth Fields

The Sikhsth process accelerates not only studies in mathematics but also natural and social sciences and promotes an influence of positivism to focus on knowledge obtained by sense experiance and practical experimentation rather than on immaterial speculation.

Mathematics is an essential science and applicable in natural sciences as well as social sciences to distinguish the Sikhsth Truth from certainty as is all human knowledge aquired under predefined conditions and further investigated with extremely refined measures to assure certainty of all Sikhsth Truth.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Get to know your ladder. Where to begin and how to get along. Goodness is really man-made and nothing else, just as its opposite.
This is where Sikhsth begins. Sikhsth is infinite and sovereign. Much learning does not teach Sikhsth. Sikhsth is not void because it occupies space. Sikhsth is everything. For if it were not itself it would partake in all things as all other things partake in a portion of everything. All living beings are thus born with the innate Sikhsth potential to percieve and understand similarities in similar ways.