Anything is possible

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Pursue part and party and pleasure !

In the worthies of the world one cared much of the worldly wealth, desiring only to make both ends meet and so they think they succeeded for now it is again another timely year´s end. A year and a day, the period specified in some legal matters to ensure the completion of a full year - that limited space of time. However, the wheel of time with no beginning and no end is affected by its own direct influences. Bringing to an awareness that when the wheels within wheels begin to turn and efforts are made to have every talk and sentence reduced, there should be a way to end 2016 and begin 2017 expressing time as an indefinite continuous duration. In a way to have a good time in pursuit of pleasure in the sense of the satisfaction of desires which is the highest good and proper aim of human life. 

Always stay sober as a judge that on the bench sat
For when to gain great pleasure from the situation let
At midnight revels where the gossips always met 
Making which a theme for all eternal orgasmic chat
To be asked what form great KSP would next devise 
And how PHERO would again supervise
And who should ULHC again advise
Why to Just Play the Game always
and rise

Friday, December 16, 2016

Putting Grant(h) in motion 1 - Introduction

Sikhsth fields: Basics 1


To live a good life, one has to understand the rules of the natural order since they teach that everything is rooted in nature.
Thus, the best indication of an individual's philosophy is not what a person says but how that person behaves.
Philosophy holds that becoming a clear and unbiased thinker allows one to understand the universal reason "to be free from anger, envy, and jealousy,” and to accept even slaves as "equals of other men, because all men alike are products of nature."

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Putting Grant(h) in motion 14 - Aetiology/Etiology

Sikhsth fields: Basics 14

Giving reason for something is the learnings of causing or causation. Disorders and confusion, as a subject of investigation, explain partially why things occur, or even the reasons behind the way that things act unexpectedly. The forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence is but a guess. To estimate or conclude something without sufficient information to be sure of being correct is a speculation. The property of a complex system whose behaviour is so unpredictable as to appear random, owing to great sensitivity to small changes in conditions, is that nature of things which is simply not comprehendible to a mind. Chaos signifies when the present determines the future, but the approximate present does not approximately determine the future. However this state of disorder is the order under the natures right conditions, that spontaneously evolves into a lockstep pattern. Meaning that their future behaviour is fully determined by their initial conditions, with no random elements involved. Hence the deterministic nature of these systems does not make them predictable. A surveillance is a delicate balance of obtaining accurate information while being as noninvasive as possible, hence when nature is perceived as chaos, it is the mind that establishes its limit to seize and take it to the mind. To take together, to unite; include; is to become aware of through the senses and get the meaning of something, whatever it may be; in the relationship between cause and effect, the principle that everything has a causality game - aetiology.

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