Anything is possible

Saturday, December 26, 2015

That personal gain no money can buy

Some learnings of 2015 about

common sense

There is no perfect reason to explain why evolution of the humans took place on this specific planet other than the existence of water, air and plants. However, now that the humans are here, the only reason for their being is to reproduce, unless the human beings do not wish to exist any more. In all conscience given the fact, that this is probably wrong. In fairness, how can humans in all conscience justify the charging of fees for such a service of reproduction?
Weighing heavily and guiltily on one's mind, why do some charge more and others less or nothing at all? It is beneath ones dignity to set a price for the act of copulation to reproduce or just for the sake of sexual intercourse. It is illegal according to certain law, unless married and even an act of hedonism, a sin according to some, to join and be “fastened together”. Yet, the state or quality of being worthy of honour or respect rests in the mind of each individual, in a person's sense of right and wrong, viewed on acting as a guide to one's behaviour about ones desires. A good sense and sound judgement in practical matters is in all a matter of common sense, as a modifier to a common-sense approach. For some reason used to convey that one does not know the reason for a particular situation, often with the implication that one finds it strange or surprising when logic does not support emotions. Humans are also told to listen to reason and to be persuaded and to act sensibly. The power of the mind to think, understand, and form judgements logically explains that there is a close connection between reason and emotion. In the end every individual will act egocentrically to justify what is right, practical, or possible. Making it ones common sense. It stands to reason that if one can eradicate the fear, the nervousness will subside. If all is right it becomes a good or obvious cause to do something and to have reason to celebrate.

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