Anything is possible

Monday, December 18, 2017

Frustration is a sign of dissatisfaction

…. Frustration is a sign of dissatisfaction. Chronic frustration leads to anger and konstant annoyance and can be directed towards someone or something in a rage of hostility. Hostility transformed to hatred is a state of an inflammable temperament. When ignited its is liable to cause chaos and destruction. The feeling of being upset or annoyed as a result of being unable to change or achieve something or the prevention of the progress, success, or fulfilment of something is the definite cause of all terrorism. Terrorism with a destructive outcome will bring tears of frustration rolling down the cheeks of the victims and their mates. An expression of ones frustration of ones wishes. A counter attack for all the vengeance to motivate punishment, inflicted, or retribution exacted for an injury or wrong. With such actions used, to emphasise the degree to which something occurs or is true, and the headache is back with a frustration. Frustration is a sign of dissatisfaction …

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